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DDX: f/w v3.04
article DDX
DDX: f/w v3.05
Fixed the following issues:-
*Sideways scroll doesn't work with Apple mouse with MacOS
*Unified Keyboard and Mouse not working

Added support for the new IPEPS+
article DDX
DDX: f/w v3.06
Fixed the following issue:-
- When re-assigning ports and using the Preset function to store the connection state, it was possible on power on that the configuration appeared to have been lost or the
article DDX
DDX: f/w v3.09
For DDX30 and DDX10

This firmware release adds the ability to disable the USB audio on the DDX-CAM modules.
article DDX
DDX: f/w v3.10
For DDX30 and DDX10

This release fixes an issue where the DDX-CAM modules failed to upgrade when trying to upgrade to the previous firmware release (v3.09). Note: The switch will upgrade to v3.1
article DDX
wiki DDX
DDX: Getting Started
wiki DDX
DDX: Getting Started
wiki Getting Started
DDX: Setting up Dual-Head Computers
wiki DDX
DDX: Setting up Dual-Head Consoles
wiki DDX
DDX: Using the API
wiki DDX
wiki Getting Started
Exporting an SSL Certificate
wiki General
file General
General: Hotkeys
wiki General
Getting Started
wiki Getting Started
IGMP Multicast Simplified
wiki Network
Infinity Network: IP Intro
wiki Network
IPEPS & IPEPS-DA: f/w v4.3
Changes since f/w: 4.0
- F13 to F15 still not work from local keyboard but not over VNC on a Mac
article IPEPS
ALIF: AIM - Backup AIM not adding to the Primary when using HTTPS
Affects AIM f/w v4.7 and below on writing.

We have found a problem where it is not possible to add a backup AIM Manager if you have configured AIM to use an HTTPS connection.
article AdderLink Infinity
ALIF: AIM - Event and Connection Log archive.
When upgrading the firmware, the Event and Connection logs are cleared.
article AdderLink Infinity
ALIF: AIM - Using the 192.168.1.x network range.
Be careful if you are using the 192.168.1.x network range for endpoints. We have seen a problem where if an endpoint is given, it cannot be added to the AIM Manager. This is because 192.1
article AdderLink Infinity
ALIF: AIM - Web browser compatibility
Known to affect 4.x firmware.

When configuring the AIM's web interface, it is recommended that you use an up to date web browser. If using Internet Explorer 11 or below, configuration pages like th
article AdderLink Infinity