

ALIF: Endpoints f/w v4.9.44052

Published 03-10-2019 13:03

V4.9 is a maintenance release which has addressed issues with the OSD (On screen display) and USB support of newer devices.
One new feature is the ability to stack the dual-screen view via VNC on the ALIF2112T

Fixes since v4.8:

  • Corruption on OSD if switching between low and high resolutions
  • Ipeps+ absolute mouse support on OSD
  • Channel OSD label not displayed at 2k Resolution
  • ALIF2112T – Remote VNC connections, video can be vertically stacked.
  • Cannot raise OSD after disconnecting from a dual-link video channel
  • Webpage certificates is due to expire if you are using the endpoints standalone and set to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. The existing certificate was due run out on 4th Oct 2020.
  • Channel reminder banner is not displayed over dual-link video
  • Hotplug detect period increased to 5s
  • Elgato Stream Deck support
  • uTrust card reader stops working uTrust card reader can take a long time to enumerate after changing channel

ALIF: ALIF4021 f/w 1.01

Published 20-09-2019 16:13

Changes since 1.0 f/w:
- Fixed: Updating of the UI Settings failed, triggering a RETRY and CONFLICT before updating
- Fixed: USB not functional when ALIF4000 RX is connected to ALIF TX (ALIF1002, ALIF2000 or ALIF100T) in point to point mode

XDIP f/w v1.04

Published 08-08-2019 16:29

Changes since 1.03
This release does not contain any fixes, just support for a newer flash memory chip.

IPEPS-PLUS: f/w 2.0

Published 31-07-2019 15:36

Changes since 1.0 f/w:
- OSD Screen Resized to One-Third of Monitor Screen Size after HDMI Removed/Re-inserted
- Caps Lock only works properly on the local console. This bug has been encountered with Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX hosts, but not on Windows, Mac or Ubuntu.
- EDID pass-through mode
- Audio Tone. A tone is played on the IPEPS-PLUS's 3.5mm audio output when a Remote Connection is established.
- Password Confirmation. You must enter the password twice to submit a change.
- Read-Only Access. Enabled remote connections to be read-only.
- Fixed incorrectly generated EDID.
- Fixed non-English characters not being passed through the VNC Viewer.
- Fixed Mac extended function keys F13-F15.
- Fixed Screensaver activating during local console use.
- Fixed Mouse Calibration on RedHat and Solaris
- Fixed NumLock disabled when using the NumLock number keys.

DDX: f/w v3.06

Published 24-06-2019 14:19

For DDX10 and DDX30

Fixed the following issue:-
- When re-assigning ports and using the Preset function to store the connection state, it was possible on power on that the configuration appeared to have been lost or the DDX-USR's and DDX-CAM to not be connected in the way that you had expected. This required the DDX to be factory reset to resolve the problem.

CCS-PRO: f/w 2.04.7267

Published 16-05-2019 17:25

This update contains the following:-
- Added the ability for the CCS-XB LED's to work in non-Free-Flow mode.
- Fixed an issue where the LED brightness level was not maintained if you reconnected the CCS-XB module whilst the CCS-PRO was powered.

RED-PSU: API now available

Published 14-05-2019 22:34

The API (Application Programming Interface) for the Redundant Power Supply (RED-PSU) is now available. There is no need to upgrade the firmware, it is available on v1.0 and above.

ALIF: ALIF100T-VGA f/w 4.08.01

Published 10-05-2019 12:00

Added Custom Mode timings
Analogue video has many different resolutions and timings to have an exhaustive list of supported EDID. Also many modes can be close to other modes making it difficult to auto detect correctly.
A web page has been added to the ALIF100T-VGA where you can adjust the video timings to ensure the system accurately displays the video content.
Please read the updated manual that goes along with this release to use this feature.

Known Issues

  • 1920 x 180@50Hz does not display correctly with fixed EDID selected on the AIM. Use 60Hz EDID or use custom mode
  • 800x 480@60 Hz sometimes displayed with offset or mis-detected. Re-apply hot plug detect, if no improvement, change the resolution on PC or use custom mode
  • 640 x 480@60Hz sometimes displayed with offset or mis-detected. Re-apply hot plug detect, if no improvement, change the resolution on PC or use custom mode.
  • For the VGA variant it is recommended that the hot plug detect period is set to 5 seconds – or very long when under control of AIM.

DDX: f/w v3.05

Published 03-05-2019 13:31

Fixed the following issues:-

  • Sideways scroll doesn't work with Apple mouse with MacOS
  • Unified Keyboard and Mouse not working

Added support for the new IPEPS-PLUS

CCS-PRO: f/w 2.03.6566

Published 18-03-2019 14:57

This firmware release resolves the following issues:

  • Moving the mouse quickly between screens could cause the clicks to function on the previous host.
  • Implemented switches hotkey functionality that is used on the AV4Pro for just switching individual component when changing host.
  • LED brightness was not adjustable on the previous v2.02 released, fixed this issue.
  • The "Keep alive" key can now be set as either Ctrl, Shift, Alt or Alt G

ALIF: ALIF100T-DV & ALIF100T-DP f/w 4.07.7

Published 15-03-2019 16:59

Bug Fixes:

- Maximum bandwidth was limited to 750Mb/s now changed to 950Mb/s.
- Protection against malformed multicast packets
- Multicast traffic inbound filter
- Memory leak when Statistics turned on
- Intermittently units going offline

ALIF: Endpoints f/w v4.8.42747

Published 11-12-2018 15:20

Fixes since 4.6 f/w:

  • Channel OSD name could intermittently be rendered in screen center when switching channels with different resolutions.
  • Added support for Chyron Hego Intellicommander X-lyric keyboard
  • Added fixed EDID for 3440x1440@50hz to support Ultrawide monitors.
  • Support for Belfuse 1GbE SFP RJ45 modules
  • Added support for Unicomp Keyboard
  • Added support for Fingerman USB Reader
  • Fixes for Disconnect/Reconnect your USB device when switching channels.
  • Fixed intermittent slow channel changes if Channel Labels enabled.
  • Fixed intermittent Channel OSD name not being displayed
  • Fixed support for Lenovo Gemalto card reader
  • Fixed typo on banner message.
  • Fixed specific teamed redundancy scenarios where video may not be received.
  • Fixed a rare issue where multicast packets could be corrupted.
  • Fixed an issue where the OSD could logout on channel change.
  • Added local transmitter feed-through feature. Requires AIM 4.8 or above.

ALIF: AIM f/w v4.8.42924

Published 11-12-2018 14:45

Features include:-

  • Support for the up and coming ALIF100T-VGA
  • Local feed through. ALIF receivers which are equipped with dual IP network ports (ALIF1002, ALIF2000 and ALIF2020) can be configured to support a local link connection to a Local PC via an ALIF1002T or ALIF100T in addition to the main link to the network.
  • New setting to allow “users” via the OSD to force a disconnect channel command
  • API change: option to reboot endpoints and additional API call request.

CCS-PRO: f/w v2.02.6174

Published 08-10-2018 09:34

This firmware release resolves the following issues:
- Stability when working with ALIF receivers.
- Resilience to the loss of the LED's when working with the CC-XB
- Change in behaviour of the network port LED's. Orange LED should flash when data is transferred rather than remain solid.

DDX: f/w v3.04

Published 03-08-2018 17:28

Fixed an issue with some industrial PC's where the video and usb could be lost on reboot when using the DDX-VGA CAM module.

ALIF: AIM - Web browser compatibility

Published 14-07-2018 23:00

Known to affect 4.x firmware.

When configuring the AIM's web interface, it is recommended that you use an up to date web browser. If using Internet Explorer 11 or below, configuration pages like the network settings may not save and give you an error message.

XDIP: f/w v1.03

Published 04-07-2018 23:00

Fixed the following issues:
USB Mouse intermittently not working on some hosts after a reboot.
Video distortion at 1920x1200@50hz

DDX: f/w v3.03

Published 01-05-2018 23:00

Added support for Promess Touchscreens and USB Joysticks. Improved audio performance frequency response.

CCS-PRO: f/w v2.01.5444

Published 10-04-2018 23:00

Fix: An intermittent loss of USB and a reboot has been observed when moving the Free-Flow mouse rapidly to the left and right whilst using ALIF receivers that are also doing their channel changes

ALIF: Endpoints f/w v4.6.42069

Published 10-04-2018 23:00

Fixes an intermittent loss of USB, particularly when used in conjunction with a CCS-PRO. Requires CCS-PRO firmware upgrade (2.01.5444 or higher).

ALIF: AIM f/w v4.7.42108

Published 26-03-2018 23:00

Support for the new ALIF100T transmitter, it also has a number of features and bug fixes.

Features include:
- Support for ALIF100T DP/DVI transmitter
- Addition of 3440x1440@60Hz to EDID list
- Addition of warning to users via the OSD if Primary AIM unit has failed
- Ability to have multiple DNS server IP addresses
- Manual editing of email address to overcome issues with exchange 2010 servers not complying to RFC2821

ALIF: AIM f/w v3.5.42099 - Critical Update

Published 02-03-2018 23:00

After January 2018, it is not possible to add new or factory reset endpoints to the AIM Manager due to a 32-bit rollover problem when generating 30 year SSL Certificates. They are required by both the AIM Manager and endpoints for trust and to encrypt the communication. This only affects the original AIM Manager. Please read the firmware release notes for more information. 

ALIF: AIM - Using the 192.168.1.x network range.

Published 01-02-2018 23:00

Be careful if you are using the 192.168.1.x network range for endpoints. If a transmitter or receiver is given, it cannot be added to the AIM Manager. This is because is used for the Management port and causes the SSL security/authentication to fail.

DDX: f/w v3.02

Published 02-11-2017 23:00

New features and bug fixes.

Features include:-
- Reconnect console to the same source after a power cycle
- Change DHCP implementation for startup
- Touchscreen launch of OSD
- User configurable hot key support
- Allow enabling all permutations of access mode

- Ctrl-Alt-Del was not working
- Absolute (VNC) mouse mode support
- Yen and \ keys on Japanese keyboards
- USB lock up

ALIF: Endpoint f/w v4.6.41576

Published 15-09-2017 23:00

Fixes two issues from 4.5; losing USB with certain HP machines on reboot and having two transmitters video pointing to one receiver.

ALIF: Cisco Network Switch configuration

Published 02-03-2017 23:00

We have had some instances where endpoints were not being seen properly by AIM when using a Cisco network switch.

Upon investigation, it was discovered that if the ethernet interfaces in the switch configuration are left as default (i.e. no settings) that the switch can take a long while to determine what type of device is connected, i.e. a host or another switch (trunk). This seems to stop the endpoints from getting an IP address from the DHCP server.

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