
ALIF: Upgrading the AIM Manager Firmware

The following instructions are for upgrading the firmware on the second or third-generation AIM Manager. In this example, we are upgrading from firmware version 4.4 to 4.5, however, the process is the same for other versions. The time to upgrade each AIM is approximately 10-20 minutes on the AIM-24 (second gen) and is shorter on the ASP-001 (third gen). This includes uploading the firmware to the AIM and then time for the update to complete after you have manually rebooted it when instructed.


Make sure you read the firmware release notes thoroughly before proceeding. Unless explicitly told to do otherwise, always upgrade the AIM(s) before upgrading the endpoints (TX's and RX's). The Primary AIM should be upgraded first and then once complete, the Backup(s). When upgrading a Backup or Satellite AIM, it is automatically factory reset during the process. Its database is re-synchronised when it connects to the Primary again.


When upgrading the Primary AIM Manager your Backup or Satellite AIM may take over control of the receivers and transmitters. The Backup or Satellite Manager may not relinquish control until they have either been upgraded, rebooted or temporarily disconnected from the network. During this time, the receivers and transmitters will appear offline on the Primary. You can confirm that the Backup is in control by either checking the receiver and transmitter pages on the Backup;'s web interface or try raising the OSD on some receivers.


  • Take a backup of the AIM Manager before starting the upgrade.
  • Download the appropriate AIM firmware from the main Adder website.
  • Unpack/Unzip the firmware from the zip file and save in an accessible location.
  • Connect to the AIM Managers web interface.
  • Navigate to Dashboard -> Updates

    Infinity UpgradeAIM1

  • Click on the Choose File button. If the upload button is greyed out, then please see the Troubleshooting section below.
  • Browse to the AIM's upgrade file, in this example the upgrade file is upgrade_4.5.40890.tar.gz.asc. Of course, you will need to choose the version that you have downloaded and unpacked. Select the appropriate AIM firmware file and press Open .

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  • You will notice that the file name that you have selected appears next to the Choose File button.
  • Press the Upload button to upload the firmware file from your host computer to the AIM Manager.

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  • After the upload button is pressed, you will see an Uploading file... message appear. The upgrade may take 2-3 minutes.

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The web pages on the AIM Manager automatically refresh every 30-45 seconds. The refresh script is designed to redirect you to an alternative AIM if it becomes unresponsive, i.e. offline or busy. If you have more than one AIM on the network, you may be redirected to it during this stage of the upgrade. Check the URL in your web browser to make sure you are still accessing the correct AIM, if not, re-enter the URL for the AIM that you are upgrading and return to the upgrade page.

  • Once the upgrade has completed, you will see a banner at the top of the page telling you that it was successful and to remind you to backup other AIM's on the network.
  • Next to the Upload button, you will also see Restart Now. Press the Restart Now button to finalise the upgrade and boot into the new firmware version. This may take up to two minutes to restart. During the reboot, a copy of the database is moved into the partition where the new firmware upgrade resides and any database schema changes will be applied. This means it may take a little longer to boot than you would normally expect. See the AIM Manager page for more infomation.

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  • After the AIM has rebooted, you should find the AIM's firmware version displayed either at the top on the right-hand side of the web page and at the bottom.

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  • Upgrade Complete.

Upgrading a Backup


Make sure that the Primary AIM Manager is not set to use SSL for its web access. This will prevent the Backup AIM from re-connecting after it has been upgraded.

As the Backup will be under the control of the Primary, you will notice that access to some of the menu's will not be available, however, the upgrade process is the same.


Main/Backup Partition has insufficient space. Delete some files to continue.

As we add more features and functionality to the AIM, the size of the firmware update package has grown over time. The Backup disk partition on the AIM-24 is limited to 3Gb of space. This partition is used to store both AIM and endpoint firmware and is used as temporary space during an upgrade. If there is not enough space, from AIM version v5.0 onwards, the web interface will disable the upload button if the drive capacity is above 42% full. The 'Delete some files' link will take you to a page (http://<IP>/disk_usage.php) showing you how much space is used, and options to free space. Removing the AIM and endpoint firmware from the Backup's partition is usually enough to free up space.

Page last modified on Friday July 26, 2024 18:09:06 GMT-0000