
ALIF: Setting up Multi-Subnet

From firmware version 4.1 and above, multi-subnet support was added to the AIM Manager. This allows to you locate endpoints (transmitters and receivers) and AIM Managers in different subnets.


Configuring Infinity in multi-subnet mode requires in-depth networking knowledge of VLAN and multicast routing. Whilst we can offer guidance, it is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the network switches are provisioned and configured correctly.


To configure Infinity to support multi-subnets, you must:-

  1. Enable Subnet Operation mode on the Primary AIM
  2. Have a DHCP Server for each subnet where the endpoints reside.
  3. Setup VLAN's with IGMP, routing and multicast routing on the network switches.

Enabling Subnet Operation mode

The option to configure the AIM to support multi-subnet is only available when it is out of the box. It is a decision that is made at the start of the setup that cannot be changed once saved, unless the AIM is fully factory reset.

After the initial page where you choose the Servers, Role, either a Primary or Solo you will be taken to the Networks Settings page. At the top of the network settings page is a Subnet Operation setting, which by default is neither set to On or Off.

ALIF MultiSubnet1

Selecting Subnet Operation mode On will disable the internal DHCP server in the AIM. It will also hide the IP pool range on the page as it is not required. Checking for the presence of the IP pool range is a way of confirming whether Subnet Operation has been enabled, if you are unsure at a later stage.

DHCP Server

A DHCP Server is required for each subnet where the endpoints reside. This is to provide a dynamic IP address, subnet mask, and gateway to each of the endpoints. In addition, the DHCP Server must offer Option 125 which is a formulated hex string that contains the IP addresses for all the AIM Managers that will be controlling them.

VLANs, Routing and IGMP

The actual network configuration can vary on different makes and models and environments, therefore we can't give you detailed configurations, however, the principle is the same. Please ensure you have read our Successful Infinity Implementation guide.

  • Each VLAN must have a DHCP Server or relay/helper to allocate IP addresses to the endpoints.
  • IGMP is required to manage the multicast traffic, without which, mutlicast traffic will become broadcast traffic that can flood the network.
  • Routing between VLAN's must allow the endpoints to access the AIM Manager(s) and vice versa.
  • The AIM only supports one gateway, however, you can use DHCP on the same network as the AIM to provide static routes (Option 121) through the use of the DHCP INFORM command.
  • PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast) Routing is required to allow receivers to share transmitters across VLAN's.

Page last modified on Monday November 5, 2018 10:39:39 GMT-0000