XD614: Choosing RX Video Mode

This procedure covers Choosing RX Video Mode for XD614.

ADDERLink XD receivers contain an internal DisplayPort MST hub. On the XD614 models you can choose to either use it or bypass it. When bypassed (default setting), the full combined MST (Multi-Stream Transport) signal received from the transmitter is sent directly to video port 1. If the internal hub is engaged, then the first and second SST video streams (Single-Stream Transport) are decoded and sent to ports 1 and 2 respectively. The two modes are as follows:
• SST mode - This mode engages the internal hub and delivers the first and second (SST) video streams to the video ports on the receiver.
• MST mode - (Default) This mode bypasses the internal hub and delivers all four possible (MST) video streams directly to video port 1 on the receiver. Port 2 is disabled. Connect to either MST-compliant displays or an MST hub.

To choose the receiver video mode

1. Using your console keyboard attached to the receiver module, press (and release) the Ctrl key three times in quick succession (either of the keyboard’s Ctrl keys can be used). In response, the three keyboard indicators will all flash, once per second.
2. Press the numeric key located above the main section of the keyboard (not the numeric keypad) which represents the required mode:
• 8 for SST mode,
• 9 for MST mode.
The current mode will be displayed on the Dashboard next to the link speed, eg SST or MST:


If the mode is changed, this will cause the RX to reboot. New units should always arrive from Adder in MST mode, but can be changed using the hotkeys. they will never revert without using the hotkeys, and remain persistent through reboot and reset.

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