
IPEPS-PLUS: File Transfer


This guide steps through the process of transferring files from a local computer to a remote computer using the ipeps+. It also covers retrieving files from the remote comptuer and saving them to a local computer. In order to successfully transfer files inbetween the Host computer (Remote) and Local computer, a USB drive is required to be attached to the ipeps+.


  • A USB Drive formatted with FAT32/NTFS plugged into the front of the ipeps+
  • Enable USB File Transfer in VNC Viewer

Enabling USB File Transfer in VNC Viewer

  1. Click on Configure
  2. From the drop down menu, select Unit Configuration and click on Advanced Unit Configuration
  3. Tick Enable File Transfer
  4. Press Save and exit configuration menus

Transferring files from local computer to remote computer via IPEPS

  • With a USB connected to the ipeps+, open the File Transfer by going to Controls > File Transfer. Make sure USB Disc is pointing to ipeps+

    USB connected to ipeps+


  • Now with the USB Connected, transfer files from your computer to the USB device by opening the Transfer Files Window. Hover your mouse near the top of the VNC viewer window and click Transfer Files

     VNC Viewer toolbar


  • Select the files you want to send to the USB by clicking Send Files... Once a file transfer has been started, a progress window will be displayed.

     Local Computer File Transfer Window File Transfer Progress


  • Once the transfer is complete, refresh the File Transfer window. Now the file will be on USB.

    USB with new files added


  • To transfer the file to the remote computer, click USB Disc, the arrow should now point to Host. This will allow access to the USB as if it were attached to the host computer. Press Close and access the USB from the remote computer as with a standard USB drive.

    USB Connected to Host Computer
    USB Showing In PC USB Showing File In Explorer

USB now appears in "This PC" and can be accessed like a directly connect drive

Transfer files from Remote Computer to Local Computer

  • With the USB connected to the ipeps+, switch the USB connection to the Host Computer

    USB Connected to Host Computer


  • Add any files you want to transfer to the local computer to the USB drive as with any normal USB drive.
  • Open the File Transfer window and press USB Disc to connect the USB to the VNC viewer. If USB Disc Drive not found is displayed, press refresh after a few seconds.
  • Select the file you want to transfer, the Send button should then be enabled. Press Send, select the folder you want to transfer to and press OK

    Select File To Download  


  • A File Transfer window will pop up to show the progress of the transfer. Once completed, the file will be in the specified folder on your local computer.

    File Download Progress  


Page last modified on Monday October 9, 2023 13:19:47 GMT-0000