
Category: AV4PRO

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AV4PRO: Cascading to other AV4PRO's
A little-known feature on the AV4PRO is that the hotkeys will filter down to cascaded AV4PRO switches. For example, if you have two switches, one is connected to port 1 of the master/top switch. So, h
article AV4PRO
AV4PRO: f/w v2.09
Adds the ability to disable port cycling by hotkey.
article AV4PRO
CCS PRO: f/w v2.0.4728
Mouse Wheel not working on some mice in Free-Flow mode
article AV4PRO
CCS-PRO f/w v1.05: XDIP Compatibility
For full XDIP compatibility, upgrade to v2.0 or above,
article AV4PRO